Becoming a parent has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. The biggest blessing in my life is my daughter. It has also been the scarriest thing that has ever happened to me. Being a parent is hard. The constant worry and responsibility for someones's a lot to deal with. It has changed my way of thinking in just about every aspect of my life. I now understand why my parents did what they did and why they wouldnt let me do certain things. It wasnt to be mean it was because they loved me so much they didnt want me getting hurt..... which brings me to understanding unconditional love. Unconditional love is a hard thing for a human to grasp. Being a parent definitely has helped me grasp and understand unconditional love.
There is nothing that I wouldnt do for my daughter and there is nothing she can do that would make me not love her. It's the most amazing kind of love a person can experience. It helps me understand even more the love God has for us....his children.... he loves us so much that he was willing to die for us. How many of you are willing to die for your kids? Do you understand that type of love? The intensity of it? A lot of people think God is so mean and don't understand why he tells us the things he does....just like i wondered about my parents growing up....He tells us not to do something because he doesnt want us getting hurt....the same exact reason I tell Alivia not to stick her finger in the light socket...IT WILL HURT HER! What parent wants their kid to get hurt?
One more thing i dont think people understand is that God does not enjoy seeing us suffer, with sickness, death, whatever it might be.... you hear people say why did God do this to me? God did not do that to you...sometimes God allows things to happen in our life for different reasons....Gods plan for our lives are so much greater than we can imagine....i mean, bad things happen....ITS LIFE! Where would we be in life if nothing bad ever happened? we would be in heaven!!
I was thinking the other day about my sister cori hernandez who her and her family are battling with leukemia with there 3 year old daughter bella. What it would be like to watch your daughter go through something like that...what I would do if MY daughter was going through something like that. I would be devistated....crushed....a mess to say the least. As a parent that is our greatest fear is seeing our children suffer. How much do you think God suffers then when he sees his children suffer? GREATLY! God does not like seeing us go through hard breaks his heart just as much as it breaks our heart. He wants nothing more than to hold us and comfort us and us to know just how much he loves us.
Just a little food for thought. :)
BEST first post ever. I love you:)